Raise The Vibration: A Weekly Guide For Alchemizing The Human Experience is designed to engage you in daily and weekly practices that strengthen you ability to keep your vibration high and your life full of passion, purpose and real living! 52 authors have contributed their real-life stories of resilience to this book, many from our own Giving Tree Community in Astoria, NYC.
Each of the 52 chapters (one for each week) contains personal stories, exercises, chakra wisdom, inspiring quotes and journaling prompts to integrate each author's experiential wisdom in your own life. (Think Chicken Soup For The Soul meets The Artist's Way!) Illustrated by Rachel Gayle, every gorgeous image is created to complement the author's story AND be used as coloring book therapy! Yep, there will also be an e-book version - that one is already in color, as it's a bit challenging to color a digital book. :)
Storytelling is a beautiful way to process our unique experiences, acknowledge our resilience and fully embody the wisdom of lessons learned. Sharing those stories flexes the muscle of vulnerability, which is essential to establishing a liberating level of intimacy in our lives. As we transparently reveal our most challenging moments, we allow others to benefit from our authentic stories of struggle and perseverance.
Be sure to follow us on Instagram: @raise.the.vibration and Facebook: @raisethevibrationFB to view author interviews each Saturday and receive the inspirational quotes from the book!
This two-year project has inspired me so deeply and I look forward seeing the difference it makes for those who read it. Each of these beautiful stories will move you, touch your heart and bring such light to your life!
Can't Wait To Celebrate With You!